It takes an 8 to know an 8.

“So reassuring to hear my “voice” in your words, and especially to go deep and trust self-examination and honest inquiry in the pursuit of growth. Thank you.” (Enneagram 8 Podcast listener)

We are inviting you into a whole community of humans that know a lot about what it’s like to be you— 8s who will become your small tribe with BIG space to hold all of you.

Join our community of 8’s!

It started small, because the goal was small: give voice to the inner lives of two enneagram 8's. Now because of you -- the hundreds of 8's who've joined your voices to ours, the goal just got bigger. We want to build community.  We want a place where you feel seen and understood.

Where you can be you. Fully.

We want to bring you a whole community of 8's.  Here you won't have to explain yourself. You can just be. We want to connect you with other 8's that care about what you care about.

If you are an Enneagram 8 and want to jump in

We are always looking for Enneagram 8 insight from other 8’s.

If you are a writer (or not!) and have some insights or

writing pieces regarding the inner life of an 8,

we would love for you to share them with us!

Now offering enneagram 8 coaching!

Want to just chat with someone who understands who you are at the core?

As per request, we are now offering 50min private chat sessions.


How you can support us...

In the words of Jerry McGuire, “Help. Me. Help. You!”  

We can not do this without your support!

Click to subscribe to our monthly support plans.



Enneagram 8w7. Tritype 847. SX/SP. Wife to the very best 9. Mom to six kids who don’t have an ounce of 8 in them, and make me all the better for it. Did all the 8ish things like boxing and building muscles, but traded it in for a stillness that’s growing other muscles.

I’m here to do “the wordy thing” as Eryn likes to say. I seem to have a knack for putting into words what happens inside an 8. That's kind of important given that everyone around us seems to use words to describe us all wrong. Fellow 8s, I am at your service if you need the words, but can't quite find them.


Enneagram 8w7 Tritype 837. SO/SX. I am married to my high school boy (i hate the word sweetheart!) who is a 6 and is my perfect counter part.  Together we have 3 kids who keep us on the move travelling for sports and I love every minute of it. It keeps the 7 part of me happy.

I’m slower than I once was… 3/4 of my life until now was spent in constant motion, my body has forced me to slow down but I’m trying to lean into the growth available to me there. I love planning events, parties and  creating spaces for people to connect.

Where to listen to our PODCAST

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By booking this appointment you are acknowledging- I am not a medical professional. As an Enneagram 8 coach, I am not providing healthcare, medical services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue.

The information provided to you in our coaching sessions is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider.

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